Local Dealer Food Inc

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Jeroen Lens

My name is Jeroen, the founder and operator of Local Dealer Food Inc. A Mexican restaurant in Amsterdam East and a funky trailer that goes wherever you are. I am running by business since 2020 and still loving it. there is no greater you and fulfilment to receive the reactions people give when they eat LD tacos. I am here for the long run. I want to be remembered as the best Mexican in town! We are tacos with attitude. Local Dealer is a family run business, my wife is involved, my son works with us and we treat our team as our spouses. We are all in it for the same reason. We love what we do and do what we love!

Local Dealer Food Inc. is a Mexican restaurant en foodtruck. We aim to bring the best food and experience to everybody that orders our tacos. We have great passion for food and service and that is what we always bring with us. We work with locally sourced ingredients and from Mexico imported specialty ingredients that bring our dishes to the next level. We work with heirloom gmo-free corn tortillas that are the base of our dishes. We love making, vegetarian and vegan dishes as well as fish and meat protein dishes. We do our very best to give you the same experience as if you were in our restaurant in Amsterdam East.

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